The Handbook is focused on experience of setting dialogue between civil society and authorities on local and national levels in Ukraine, Moldova and UK developed within the Strengthening Civil Society Across Borders to Develop Democracy Project (2009-2011).
For attention of representatives of civil organizations, community activists, authority bodies and everyone interested in the issues of democratic development.
The experience and legislation that concerns the issue of land-planning documents for villages is analyzed, the cases are reviewed that force local communities to conduct spatial planning, the experience of civil society in cooperation with authorities and business in planning processes is researched as well as communities' opportunities to engage additional resources to develop land-planning documents.
The edition will be interesting for heads and deputies of community councils, community activists, NGOs.
The issue contents the information on methodology, actions and results of the Project “Citizen Initiative for Economic and Social Rights Protection” introduced by CCC Creative Center and Civil Society Institute since March 2009 till May 2011 by the financial support of European Union.
The edition is intended for a wide range of readers.
This publication presents the results of the annual survey of Ukrainian civil society organizations (CSOs) conducted in May 2010. The major goal of the survey was to study the capacity of Ukrainian CSOs for sustainable development during 2002-2010. Also, the publication presents the dynamics of CSO activity during last eight years (2002-2010).
This publication presents the results of the annual survey of Ukrainian civil society organizations (CSOs) conducted in September 2009. The major goal of the survey was to observe the capacity of Ukrainian CSOs for sustainable development during 2002-2009. Also, the publication presents the dynamics of CSO activity during last eight years (2002-2009).